Tuesday 27 August 2013

Nasty people on the Internet

I was just entering a competition on Facebook where you had to leave a comment.  A lady left a comment along the lines of I hope I win etc....  Then under her comment some horrible person tagged her and told her to learn how to spell.  Now is there really any need for that? I was so shocked and I felt really sorry for her.  Because she was tagged she saw the comment and told the individual where to go but I'm sure it hurt.

I just don't know what some people get out of attacking people on the Internet because you can be sure he never would have said such a thing if the lady was standing in front of them.

Well that's all I have to say for now...

P.S. if you spot any spelling errors here I don't want to know!!!

Nikki xx

Juice for the soul

I feel fantastic!!! Just had green juice which contained cucumber, spinach, kale, romaine lettuce and apple.  Not the worst I have to say and a little more tolerable than yesterday.

It's 2:30pm here and I've only just had my lunch juice which just goes to show that my breakfast juice filled me up.

Looking forward to a nice healthy dinner of real food!!!

Juice on,
Nikki xxe

Day 2 and down 3lb

Day 2 and down 3 pound!!

Wow I wasn't expecting that kind of loss.  I know the first few days of any diet you lose a lot of water but let me tell you I've done every diet under the sun and I've never dropped 3lb after just a day.

I know I keep saying it but I really think this is the diet for me.  It just seems so natural to fill your body with all the goodness that you get out of juicing fruit and vegetables.  I had my morning juice a couple of hours ago and I am starting to get a bit hungry.  I know caffeine is a big no no for a lot of people but I decided not to give up my coffee.  I want to be able to stick to this diet for as long as I need to in order to lose at least 3 stone so the two things I will not be giving up is coffee and my healthy evening meal.  The pounds will still come off and its just more achievable for me this way.

This morning I did all my juicing for the next couple of days.  I separated them into portions, popped them into freezer bags and store in the fridge, that way I had them to hand if I get really hungry.  Also you don't have to stick to just one for breakfast and one for lunch.  If ou get hungry at around 4pm just have another juice and it will take away that real empty hungry feeling.  Also, another thing to note on the juice diet, it takes away all cravings for unhealthy foods and I've already noticed a difference.  If someone handed me a bar of chocolate now it just wouldn't interest me!!

I'm going to take the kids to the park now and get moving with a bit of walking.  I bought a new pair of Nike runners last week so I'm dying to get them on my feet and put them to good use!!

Have a great day and ill check in later,
Nikki xx

Monday 26 August 2013

Hunger has hit

Time for bed now and I have to say I'm STARVING!!  I know the juice diet is hard for the first few days so I'm going to stick to it.

I was going to wait a few days before I started to exercise but I'm thinking I might start tomorrow.  I'll just go for a nice brisk walk and then increase my fitness over the next few weeks.  I'm hoping to build up my fitness so I can start running.  I have a long long way to go but I'm hoping by blogging and detailing my journey ill stick to it.

I'm looking forward to my yummy carrot juice in the morning!!

It's 11:30pm here in Ireland so I'm off to bed.

Goodnight folks,
Nikki xx

Day 1 of juicing over - The verdict

I got through the day just fine! I had three juices today and while they didn't fill me completely I wasn't starving either.  I do think it will get better once my body gets use to not having so much food.

So just to catch you up on exactly what I'm doing.  Im juicing fruit and vegetables all day with a healthy evening meal.  The morning juice is a sweeter fruitier juice of carrots, apples and lemon followed by two green juices which would consist mainly of green vegetables.  The green ones taste more earthy, or as a friend of mine said they taste like grass!!  Today for my green juice I put in cucumber, celery, romaine lettuce, green pepper, spinach, kale and a couple of apples to sweeten.  It wasn't actually too earthy and was easy enough to drink. I do tend to just drink them quickly and not sip them.

For my evening meal I had turkey, potato, carrots, peas and gravy.  After not eating all day it was heaven!!

I'm really looking forward to doing it all over again tomorrow. Im also looking forward to feeling the benefits of all those nutrients and vitamins.  I'm not going to weigh myself for a few days but surely I'll be down a few pounds by then?  We'll just have to wait and see!

Thanks for reading,
Nikki xx

Green juice for lunch

I can't believe how much the juice from breakfast filled me up.  It's lunch time now and I have to say I'm hungry but not starving.  I just hope the green juice fills me up and doesn't leave me too hungry before dinner.

I'm feeling really positive about this diet because I'm getting so many vitamins and nutrients during the day with the juices and I have my evening meal to look forward to!

My lunch time juice was made up of Kale, Spinach, Romaine Lettuce, Celery, Cucumber and apple.  And the verdict is......... it's not that bad!!  I'm not going to lie and say it was yummy but it is okay.  I think it's something I can stick to, especially once I see the weight coming off.

It's also good to note that juicing is not just for weight loss.  You can make up these nutritious juices as a way of getting the goodness without having to eat all the veg.  when you think of it if someone put a plate in front of you filled with raw veg and told you to tuck in, would you??

Go on try it yourself for a few days and see if you can feel the benefits...

Talk soon,
Nikki xx

My juicy breakfast!!

So here it is, day 1 of my juicing diet.  I'm starting my day with an orange coloured juice which consists of 5 carrots, 2 Apples and a lemon.  I have to say this one is actually quite nice! I never thought I'd drink carrot juice but with the fruit added its nice and sweet.

For lunch today I'm going to have a green juice as its important that the diet is mainly made up with green vegetables.  You can also add some fruit for sweetness so long as the ratio is 80% vegetables 20% fruit.  I'm not going to have juice for dinner as I find it a bit extreme an the chances of me sticking to it are slim with no food.  I think with juicing all day and having a healthy dinner the weight will shift. Also, the good thing about this is you can have as much green juice as you need to feel full so hunger shouldn't be a problem

For the first few days ill post a few times a day to give a good breakdown of what I'm doing and what ingredients I'm using in case anyone wants to follow.  I'll probably cut it down to maybe one post a day as I don't want things to get boring!

I'll also report on any weight loss and when I start my exercise later in the week ill let you know how it mixes with the juice diet.  I'm going to give my body a few days to get use to having less food before I add exercise into the mix.

Talk to you soon,
Nikki xx